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City Council Meeting - 9/23/2004
Council Meeting #39 of 2004
September 23, 2004
Work Session Meeting
Memorial City Hall

Roll Call – Councilor Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter, Dempsey, Mayor Lattimore - Present.

City Staff Present – John Salomone, City Manager; Tom Leone, Corporation Counsel; Debra McCormick, City Clerk; Nancy Hussey, Assistant Corporation Counsel; Beatrice O Hora, Comptroller; Police Chief Gary Giannotta; Michael Quill, Fire Chief; Lisa Green, Assistant City Comptroller; Marie Nellenback, City Treasurer; Steve Lynch, Director of Development; Susan Chandler, Assessor; Gerry DelFavero, Supervisor Public Works.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

Presentations and Proclamations – The City of Auburn Employee Recognition Committee along with the City Manager and Mayor presented Length of Service Awards to Employees with 25, 30 and 35 years of service.  

Public Announcements – Clerk read.

Presentation of Petitions and Communication – None.

Ordinances and Local Laws

Ordinances –
Corrective Ordinance #13 of 2004 authorizing amendment to Municipal Code, Chapter 297, Section 23, entitled “Schedule of Water Rates.  Tom Leone, Corporation Counsel explained that this Corrective Ordinance was before Council because there was an error in the document presented and passed at last weeks Council meeting. This Ordinance was sponsored by Councilor Dempsey and seconded by Mayor Lattimore.  The City Clerk read the Corrected Ordinance in to the record.  Councilor Dempsey commented on various concerns he had regarding future spending and budget issues.  After discussion the Corrective Ordinance was voted on as follows: Vote: Councilor Jacobs, McNabb and, Mayor Lattimore no; Councilor Hunter and Dempsey – aye.  Not Carried.

Councilor Dempsey made a motion pursuant to the Rules and Procedures for City Council to reconsider Ordinance #13 dated September 16, 2004.  An affirmative vote on this Resolution would be a vote to set aside Ordinance #13 of 2004 which was approved at the City Council Meeting on September 16, 2004.  Vote: Councilor Jacobs, McNabb,  Dempsey and Mayor Lattimore – aye, Councilor Hunter - no.  CARRIED.

Work Session

Discussion of Assessment Policy and Procedures.

Sue Chandler, City Assessor reviewed the City’s Assessment Policy and Procedures.  Council discussed.

Planning Board Recommendations for Zoning Amendments under Article IV, Section 305 of the City of Auburn Zoning Ordinance.  

Steve Lynch, Planning Director presented a power point presentation to Council explaining how the ordinance would work in the neighborhood.  Sam Giangreco, Zoning Board Member spoke to Council on behalf of the Zoning Board. Council discussed.

Public to be Heard –
Bill Atkinson, Oakcreek Apts. – spoke to council to announce he will challenge Councilor Hunter if he runs for Council again. He also asked the Mayor if his son could help bring a production of 42nd Street to Auburn.

Janet Patterson 211 State St. – spoke to Council regarding ideas she had for trash pick up on State St.

Other Business –  Councilor Jacobs commented on conditions and construction on McIntosh Drive.  Nancy Hussey, Assistant Corporation Counsel responded.  The City Manager, Mayor, and Corporation Counsel discussed the issues regarding a stop work order on this project.  Councilor Hunter asked each Councilor to give the public their home phone numbers so that all could be called when there are issues.  All Councilors offered phone numbers, the Mayor recommended that Citizens call the Mayor’s Office phone.

Corporation Counsel Tom Leone requested that he recap the resolution-reconsidering Ordinance #13 to be clear on the language.  He read what Council had agreed to do and all were in agreement.  

Councilor Hunter questioned progress on State St. Mall.

Councilor Dempsey asked if the Exchange St. Mall could be open for parking.

Council adjourned to executive session at 8:10PM, returning at 9:03PM.  

Adjournment – Meeting adjourned at 9:05PM.